A Note from Our Founder

A Note from Our Founder

One of The Elderberry Co.’s core values is sincerity. In that spirit, I have to confess something:

I am not a total health junkie. I take over-the-counter medicine when I get a headache. I eat French fries when I feel like it. And, even though I’d like to tell you that I use my elderberry products every single day, it wouldn’t be true. More often than not, I forget to take my dose of elderberry syrup until I start getting the sniffles!

HOWEVER, I do my best to keep my loved ones from getting sick. When I learned that there was a way to help my son, Zadok, I knew I had to give it a try. I cooked and served my first batch of elderberry syrup to my family in 2016. Since taking his first dose, Zadok hasn’t had to go to the doctor once. I have been so relieved.

I used to feel guilty when I gave expensive antibiotics and sugary cough syrup into my kids, but it seemed like I didn’t have a choice. While I watched my kiddos suffer, I felt powerless. Thankfully, a group of moms introduced me to the longstanding tradition of benefits via elderberry. Now, I can feel good about helping my family with a natural way to support our immune systems.

 I want to help you do the same.

 I’m excited to share elderberry info with you so we can learn to support our families – and ourselves – so we can spend time reaching for our goals, instead of another box of tissues.


With much love,

Jenny Watson

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