Meet Tallow, Nature’s Most Versatile Moisturizer

Meet Tallow, Nature’s Most Versatile Moisturizer

By Marley Archibald

If you are in the clean skincare world, you have probably seen tallow quickly take the world by storm. As an all-natural, clean moisturizer, it makes sense that tallow has grown in popularity. However intriguing, tallow has also left some skeptical of its highly acclaimed benefits. If you want to simplify your skincare, be sure to read about why tallow is not just a fad but an ancient skincare must-have.


So, what exactly is tallow? Tallow is a multi-purpose balm made from animal fat (such as beef, deer, or sheep). Though it may sound unusual, tallow goes through a thorough purification process before making it to your shelf, ensuring a high-quality product. This process, “rendering,” results in a smooth and creamy balm packed with bioavailable nutrients. Specifically, tallow is naturally high in vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12, as well as fatty acids such as conjugated linoleic acid, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Not only is tallow high in these great nutrients, but tallow’s lipid structure is similar to the natural sebum in our skin, which makes it ultra-easy for our body to absorb. This is also part of why tallow is excellent for all skin types– even acne-prone skin! Since tallow is similar to our natural skin, it does not clog your pores, providing deep moisture and nourishment without congestion. Is it surprising that tallow has been used in skincare (and beyond) for centuries?!


Okay, so tallow has a lot of benefits… Now, what do you do with it? Really, anything! Tallow is so versatile. You can use it for overall moisture for your skin, using it as a lotion after cleansing to leave your skin plump and supple. Tallow, being ultra-nourishing and holistic, is a wonderful natural remedy for relieving eczema or psoriasis-prone skin. Since tallow is so soothing, it is great for calming skin irritation such as sunburn or diaper rash. The uses don’t stop at your skin, though! Use tallow as a hair mask by smoothing the tallow through your ends, providing deep conditioning and fighting against split ends. At The Elderberry Co., our 100% grass-fed Tallow Balm is also free from any added essential oils, allowing our customers to fully customize their tallow!


Still skeptical? Don’t take our word for it, read our submitted customer reviews! Clean skincare doesn’t have to be complicated. Sometimes, the “old ways” are just simply tried-and-true. So, don’t wait– give our Tallow Balm a try today!

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Hey Melissa, great question! While we do not have samples of our Tallow Balm, we do have a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. So, if you purchase something and are not happy with it, we will gladly issue a full refund! I hope this helps— please feel free to let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. We appreciate you, and stay healthy 😄


sounds interesting, never heard of it.

Ladonna Riggs

Can’t wait to try it!

marge pote

Do you have samples?

Melissa Irwin-Imbriano

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