More than Elderberry Syrup

More than Elderberry Syrup

Here at The Elderberry Co, Elderberry Syrup is clearly a big part of what we do. You might be surprised, but we don’t spend our days only talking about Elderberry Syrup. I know, crazy right?!? We talk about our lives, our dreams, our hopes. We talk about you. We talk about how we can better our processes, and products to help our customers. For us, it is not just about the syrup. It is about empowering families to stay healthy, especially during this time of year.

If you’ve been around us long, you’ve probably heard Jenny Watson, the owner of The Elderberry Co, talk about the struggle when her son was young and getting earache after earache. She didn’t feel empowered on how to help him. If you’re a parent, you know that helpless feeling when your kid is sick and NOTHING seems to help. She found Elderberry Syrup and could see the impact that it made on her family's health. That is the biggest reason she created this company.

It may be hard to remember when you are ordering from a website, but we are a small business. There are humans behind this business. We have about six of us on staff and a few others that help periodically when we need it. From putting labels on your jars, to making syrup, to filling tea pouches, responding to emails and messages, all of that is done by our team.

When you support this business, you truly support our families and the community. If you were not aware, a portion from every jar goes to a ministry in Louisville, Ky, Safe Passage. Safe Passage is a faith-based organization working to open Kentucky’s first shelter for sexually trafficked children. Each person buying our products plays a role in providing hope and healing to young people who may not otherwise receive it! That's a HUGE deal!

This week is about being thankful for things in your life. We just wanted to take time this week to tell you how thankful we are for you. We are thankful you entrust us to help keep your family healthy. We are thankful you come to our store or email us to share stories about how our syrup has impacted your family.

We have big plans for 2020 and many ideas. Thank you for supporting us! From our Elderberry family to yours, we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!

Let us know what you would love to see us come up with in 2020! Message us on instagram or Facebook or email us at!


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