The Moms of Elderberry

The Moms of Elderberry

Being a mom is amazing, difficult, life-giving, heart breaking, rewarding and exhausting all at the same time. How do I pick just one thing to write about when I sit down to write a blog for Mother’s Day? I just ran around our shop and asked our team, “Any ideas on what my Mother’s Day blog should be about?” For those who don’t know, we have 11 women on our team that run everything here at The Elderberry Co. Some are moms with grown kids, some are moms of little ones, a few are pregnant and a few are hopeful to one day be called “mom”. The answers I got literally made me laugh and cry so I’m going to do my best to capture what they told me.

  1. In the same day, you can be pulling your hair out because your four year old just drew a picture on the side of your car with your keys….and then feeling like your heart could burst with love when that four year old snuggles up next you and says “Mommy, I want to be just like you.”
  2. Self care! You cannot care for your children and your family if you are not taking time to care for yourself.
  3. It is incredibly rewarding to watch your grown children be who they were created to be and know that you contributed to who they have become. 
  4. There’s just no words to describe the unique connections we have as moms with our kids. As tough as relationships can be, when a mom and child have a healthy relationship, it is truly life-giving to both.

There are so many more thoughts we could write down about motherhood and what it means to be a mom. For me (Jenny), my heart can hardly stand how much I love my kids. They are the best, and I usually say that multiple times every day. Now that doesn’t mean I don’t have days when I want to pull my hair out over the crazy things they do. But for the most part, I am simply humbled and honored to be able to raise these tiny humans into people who are loving, kind, respectful, courageous and hard working. So to all the mommas out there, keep doing what you do and remember how important your work as a mom is! You are changing the world.

We hope you can spend time this weekend celebrating the moms in your life!

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Melissa, we agree! Enjoy the process! ❤️

Kimberly- Customer Care Team

Yes to all the above, find a group of women and raise your children together through the struggles and triumphs. Be patient and watch your children become amazing adults, partners and parents! Very proud of our family! ❤️

Melissa ( Michaels mom, Jenny's MIL)

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