Why Your Elderberry Syrup Should Contain Aronia Berries

Why Your Elderberry Syrup Should Contain Aronia Berries

By Marley Wells

Among the questions we receive from curious customers, perhaps the most common is: why should I buy your elderberry syrup, rather than the over-the-counter version I can just grab at my grocery store?

There are many reasons we enthusiastically share with these eager inquirers. Our syrup is free of any and all preservatives, ensuring that you are fueling your body with the cleanest product possible; we brew our syrup fresh every single week in our small shop, so you know that multiple team members have handled your jar and confirmed that it meets our standard of quality; each dose is packed with a potency WELL above that found in the average over-the-counter syrup.

One of the most special things about our syrup, though, is that it contains aronia berries! Also commonly known as chokeberries, aronia berries are a small fruit native to North America. Not only do they enhance both the color and the flavor of our syrup, but they are part of what makes our elderberry syrup so powerful for supporting your immune system. 

While elderberries are already high in antioxidants, aronia berries are even higher in antioxidants, as well as containing higher amounts of essential minerals such as potassium, iron, zinc, and magnesium! In addition, aronia berries have been shown to have properties that support cardiovascular health, reduce risk of cancer, and fight inflammation in the body.

So, why stop at elderberry when you could also be getting the awesome benefits found in aronia berries? This is why we brew our Elderberry Syrup with both elderberries and aronia berries– we want our valued customers to be receiving the maximum benefit possible, keeping their families happy and healthy! We love aronia berries so much that we don’t just use them in our Elderberry Syrup, but our Collagen + Biotin Gummies as well. 


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Hey Cy Thia!
We have lots of customer testimonials that have said it helps them with cough, yes.
Everyone’s bodies are different though, so keep that in mind.
We appreciate your support and hope this helps you!

Customer Service- Alexandra

Will it help this cough I have? It’s not a cold, just a nagging cough. I have ordered a large bottle of your syrup. Hope it helps me to stop coughing.

Cy thia Tucket

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